Implementing splash screen in android apps

This task contains three steps

  1. Find out what is a Splash screen in Android apps.
  2. Write a small blog on how to implement a sample splash screen.
  3. Implement a simple hello world android app that has a splash screen. The splash screen should have an OpenMRS Logo in the center position. You GCI-ID should be also in the bottom of the splash screen.


  1. The blog should contain step by step procedure along with code snippets explaining your implementation.
  2. Do not waste time designing the app or making something fancy.


  1. Pdf's /public article posting platforms for the blog.
  2. GitHub Url for the android app.
  3. Comment the screenshot of your developed splash screen

Task tags

  • android
  • ui
  • research

Students who completed this task

Ishaanndas, gamer-1748, Snigdho, prathamesh_m009, pl9870, zinowiew, mihiraggarwal, CiawMiaw, Ribhav Sharma, jyothsna1809

Task type

  • code Code
  • assessment Outreach / Research