FIRST TASK : Become a fully fledged member of the OpenMRS community

The first step of joining the OpenMRS community is to fully integrate yourself into our community and our communication channels.

  1. Create an OpenMRS ID. Better to have the OpenMRS Id same as the GCI Id.(
  2. Join the OpenMRS IRC channel. (
  3. Next, join our GCI 2019 Telegram channel (
  4. Login to OpenMRS Talk. Introduce yourself to other GCI mentors and OpenMRS community mentors by posting according to the instructions on OpenMRS Talk Student & Mentor Meet and Greet. - Please do not post ANY personal information. (

After completing these tasks, add a comment to this ticket with your OpenMRS ID and your IRC nickname.

Submission Steps

Briefly explain for the questions below,

  1. What is your OpenMRS ID?
  2. What the OpenMRS ID could be used for?
  3. The benefits of OpenMRS talk forums.
  4. What are the badges you have in OpenMRS Talk Profile?
  5. Provide a screenshot for your post in OpenMRS Talk forum.

The purpose of this task is to launch you on the way to become a fully-fledged community member. This is why it involves you going through these steps, and understanding how our community works, and how to be part of it.

Task tags

  • introduction
  • once-per-student
  • welcome
  • beginner
  • first task

Students who completed this task

kaancakil, Smit Rambhia, Yassenaal, Snigdho, pl9870, rkunds, Akshat Saxena, Saad Khaleeq, Eagle_Code_In, Ishaanndas, Pragya Patil, Stealth, Mihir_Kasare, Divyansh, caden, VĂ­tek, Sudhanshu Singh, tencups, Ninja567, BAM_3410, cyulater123, liknie, RoboKrrish, AWESOMEPARTH, ShobhitRathi_, CiawMiaw, Utkarsh, ABHAY KUMAR, sneaX10, Yoki, Azathoth, pandalcp, Pavithra, Aniket kumar, Fenil Shah, Michelle, Aless G.F., Dan_zC, Anay Sharma, jgulian, darshvatsa, ShatterStar, Roku234, arnavj, Ribhav Sharma, architg575, Disha, duraianeesh338, kehsihba.ab, tixpro, AlphaNiner101, Harshil, Omega Cuber, Asad Parkar, iTeije, MEEM, Wane, PermissionError, Arpit Arun Kumaar, Haniyah, sarthakk24, Shriya, Ikhsan, ajey muthiah, yoshiketchup, Najib

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research

