Research about How software testing achieves software quality

Research about software testing and briefly explain what software testing is all about and give the difference between Functional and non-functional testing. You need to briefly explain at least five types of functional testing and four types of non-functional software testing You also need to include your opinion on why software testing is essential and what would happen if software testing is ignored during software development. You must mention the references or resources at the last which you used for this task.

Submission Step

  • create a PDF with the required information and upload it to the GCI dashboard for the evaluations.

Task tags

  • qa
  • multiple-students

Students who completed this task

Raydex, kgauld1, ashira1400, Ishaanndas, naya26, Saad Khaleeq, Roku234, Nayan, Ribhav Sharma, kwalia, Devanshk09, v_arun_, AaravSingh, Raghvi, Akash Ramjyothi, ajey muthiah

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • done_all Quality Assurance