[Elly] Design a simple LOGO for a mobile application
Elly App is a new mobile app which is capable of spotting elephants for elephant conservation purposes. Since the targeted group of this app is normal users app need to have good logo. And the solution is to design a user attractive logo for the app.
Existing logo: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25387297/71233183-c174ca80-231a-11ea-87ca-1fb354b6ef81.png
Logo requirements
Can use any logo design tool. Logo should be simple and effective. Required outputs should includes .PNG and .SVG and any other
In pixels, the sizes are:
48 × 48 (mdpi) , with 1 dp padding. 72 × 72 (hdpi), with 1 dp padding. 96 × 96 (xhdpi), with 1 dp padding. 144 × 144 (xxhdpi), with 1 dp padding. 192 × 192 (xxxhdpi) , with 4 dp padding.
How to submit
Fork [https://github.com/scorelab/elly.git] repository Add all your design contents including images, SVG, PNG, design files and final results to 'elly/MobileApp/src/images/ '.
Additional info
Sample screenshots of the mobile app. Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZFEoA92RYztVIjW9fLxmG5eftYLrRZXGxA6q74FCJDI/edit?usp=sharing