SCoRe Lab
[Fact Bounty] New Crawler Step 1: Install and play with Scrapy
Task Description:
- Scrapy is an application framework for crawling web sites and extracting structured data which can be used for a wide range of useful applications, like data mining, information processing or historical archival.
- Install scrapy on your machine, follow
- Run
scrapy version
on your machine and get a screenshot of the output
Task Deliverables: Upload the screenshot taken
Task tags
Students who completed this task
hoanglong24106, leoni52, techie_gg, nulled, letuandung157, yashcode, kunalbhatia, Aravindh, illidan157, Anu2006, Emilie, YashasMessi, rohanssrao, kunalsoni, Goltu, Histesh Mungara, Gap, rohanpotru, Ching367436, Icarus, magikra, CJ, Ali Ayad, jayinnn, aromel52, Ish, lukasz-zbrzeski, Sairaj, letuandung.itmo, Song Yi, sankha, bunny, cristinon, fr4ncz3k, Apoorva Tyagi, squirtbot, chsk kishore, Parzival_10, PranayC