SCoRe Lab

[Python/Java/C++/Perl/PHP/Rust] Create and host a local server

The goal is to create and host local server on your machine

Task Description:

Create a simple localhost server (you can use any programming language). Use port 8080 if available or use a different one if not.

On clicking URL- 'http://localhost:8080/', a static html page will be displayed that renders the following text on the screen, " loves contributing to ScoreLab." (Note: Kindly upload your code to a GitHub repository in your profile)

Task Deliverable:

Screenshot of the static html page and the URL of the GitHub repository. Please ensure that the screenshot is of whole screen. Do not crop. Do not resize.

Task tags

  • expressjs
  • flask
  • nodejs
  • python
  • server

Students who completed this task

gbaranski, Aditi, kunalbhatia, Muhammad David, DS007, sarveshkolte, firebolt360, kv180503, rdambrosio, Finlay, RX, Gap, Fyellow, Elham Aryanpur, Tanay Biradar, HKG, mrezkys, Airiin, Darcy, ShimadaShimado, KishginthraamJHC, S.Kishgintharaam, MikPie, Ching367436, DominikW, Angel, shreyansh, aakash, hnguyen2k2, Yiting Wu, Mihir, André, Minh Dinh, vshah1016, Rudra Choubey, Red Programmer, nulled, anirranjan456, Goltu, Daniel.J, kailin.tian, Loké, rak123v, PrajM2003, Kim Jong Dos, Stephanie, mariokart, Parzival_10, nika02, chuanhao01, AsviBKR, porwieieiei, ShadoHax,, Ionut, frankx, aristo, Aashna Gupta, Purvanya tyagi, Matipolit, HBK_07, moscwa, Devaa, hmducanh, CJ, mario123, Bopo, UtkarshP, ATISHAY JAIN, Kenneth Koh, TheCooder, jerrym1299, Firefrost, Veddd, ysm, BenMan, HeptaFx, COD.E, BrownieInMotion, ningmeng618, imaculgy, Shaikh Muhammad Ahmed, BEZLIN JOHNSON, mayhul, Vaibhav14, ritz363, Kai16, Shitij, aditya1631, Joseph Semrai, Ishan nagar, xiaodan.zhang, Ish, bananasaurus, amar, Daste, Sairaj, vibots, Harsh Revo, Bala_v123, yaka.liu, divided7777, iiliffe

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training

