CCExtractor Development

Getting started: Add an anagram of your name to the list of contributors in our playground


An anagram is a word that has the same letters as other words. For example, if your name is "Anakin Skywalker" and anagram could be "Snarky New Killaa". There's many anagram generators online, for example this one:

Use any generator, or do it yourself by hand (you could get creative wink) to produce an anagram for your name. (we're doing this so you don't have to use your actual name).

The task

We have a GitHub project to get started with a tool in code management: git (and Github). This task will allow you to get used to it. Just edit the file GCI-STUDENTS.TXT, adding your anagram on the correct spot (alphabetical sorting). Don't add anything else, since everyone has access to this file. Then send a pull request. When you prepare the PR, make sure you add a good descriptive description of what you did. Descriptions are really important in pull requests! If the description is bad it doesn't matter how good the code is because no one will bother to take a look at it.

Requirements to complete this task

A link to the opened PR.

We will send back the task for more work (without any comment) if:

  • You don't provide a link of the PR
  • You don't add your name in the correct place alphabetically
  • The title of the PR is generic ('Update GCI-STUDENTS.txt')
  • The description of the PR is generic (e.g. 'Update GCI-STUDENTS.txt') or empty

Task tags

  • pull request
  • git
  • github

Students who completed this task

Herobone, Y Pratham, Adarshgupta111200, Cormac, Wendelin, anayroy, Schrodincat, Arjun C, Rishabh Gupta, loh, Chroyo, 20aidan22, Ameya Jadhav, vivekkj, Faaaabian, Mystro, Arihant15, asamattson, hmducanh, ee9957, Nitya Sunkad, Aisha, theeoni, blazegod420, Dri, JediKnightRevan, Darrius Lee, Judd, dimpl3s, uacoder123, Xu Zijun, Shr1k3n, JokerDot, eileeny, OZK, potatobaguette, Jagreet, TrofyKMB, DhruvA219, donSimon

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training

