Open Roberta

Filter functionality in gallery: Filter out some programs


This is a GitHub task, make sure to read the info.

The gallery is implemented as bootstrap-table. See this.

The code for gallery is in galleryList.controller.js and index.html.

The filter functionality can be found here and here.

You can also dig deeper into bootstrap-table and find any other alternative to achieve the task but the mentioned way can do the task too.

Hint: "0" is the identifier in bootstrap table for robot type. "1" is for program name. Use "0" for filtering ev3 robots .

Implement filter functionality in gallery. Filter the items by type of robot like EV3 or Calliope.

For simplicity just create a button in the gallery itself, clicking on which will filter out all robots except one (example EV3).


Send a pull request with the filter functionality at least on EV3.

Task tags

  • github
  • advanced
  • javascript

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code