Fedora Project

Ansible workflow for setting up your localhost

Write a role that is used to setup your localhost. It should do all basic tasks like

  • removing atleast 1 by default software that no one use (like boxes, snapshots, etc)
  • Enable a repo like rpmfusion (or any one of your choice)
  • Installing atleast 5 software that you definitely use
  • Run update command to get your OS in the latest state
  • Importing ssh keys to their location (keep these files in files/ directory and remember to create a temporary/fake GPG and SSH key.. I repeat, do not provide your original key) # brownie point for utilizing ansible vault
  • vim/nvim configuration (it should include atleast installing vundle and placing vim config to the right place)
  • Installing http(or any one of your choice) and enable the service (no need to start)

Please use the correct modules and try to not use command/shell at all if possible. If you can think of other things that you usually do while setting up your new laptop/OS, automate it and you will get a brownie point.

Task tags

  • ansible

Students who completed this task

skr1p7, nasirhm, VishalBala, paraxor, Michael, Chenlitw, Sash713

Task type

  • code Code