Fedora Project
Git and Github
Setup git on your computer. Download and install git on your computer. Instructions vary per operating system. For Linux, you will want to install it from the package manager. For windows and mac, you will want to grab a download from the internet.Follow the instructions here: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup
Intended Output: Submit output of git config --get-regexp "user" Please mask your email addresses such as with asterisks.Example user.name ra** user.email rahu**@gmail.com
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Students who completed this task
Abhigyan, TheNerd32, displayname, Aspergillus.wenti, Shlok J, Satya Nikhil, eileeny, Tsaqif, t1omas, Gunin, jeff0x2a, sahninsh, loncat, randomtux, sneaX10, codephile1221, Anushka, Santhu, mahadev_xo, gnsJhenJie