Fedora Project

Time Bound Computation (Python)

Write matrix multiplication programs in Python for a random(n,n) matrix. Write the same program with numpy. Measure time for n=10, 100, 1000 ... and so on until you get a good enough data set. Plot the Time Vs Input graph using matplotlib (for both normal python and numpy). Try to find the reason on why numpy is faster (if it is)

As a bonus you can also try adding @numba.jit to the for loop and see the improvement in timings (if any).

Please share the github link for the repo containing:

  1. PNG images of all the graphs
  2. Relevant source code
  3. The explanation in README.md

Task tags

  • python
  • matrix
  • computation
  • matplotlib

Students who completed this task

aaaakshat, DefinitelyNotAshnxious, codingpheonix, Rajvardhan, jollypolly123, strawberryshaker2005, m1m3, cfalas, srikavin, Thereeon, kv180503, Abtaha, RX, rohan619, Looter, Chenlitw, Sash713, UTx10101, Shadowblade, Tony8, paraxor, geek123, Norem80, jayinnn, dhrug, kdrag0n, thisisthegautham, EmperorAj, l-yc, Mukundan314, Ayush19, Eric Chen, Suhas, xz56

Task type

  • code Code
  • assessment Outreach / Research