Fedora Project

Apache-Caddy server combo

Host a static website using Apache through this guide and set the ports above 3000.
Install Caddy1 server using this guide. Then by editing the Caddyfile, Proxy's Apache's hosted website into a new port, port 80 the common port for HTTP. To achieve this after hosting your website by giving the HTML code and editing Apache configs, then install Caddy and set the input port to Apache's output port, and the output port to the given "80" , then enable Gzip and SSL, and open your local hosted website to see it running in a new port and SSL. Then submit the following:

  • Caddyfile
  • Apache status screenshot "systemctl status apache2"
  • Caddy status screenshot "systemctl status caddy"
  • Screenshot of the hosted website in a browser

Task tags

  • apache
  • caddy

Students who completed this task

paraxor, Mukundan314, Coppertint, Jerry Liu, strawberryshaker2005, UTx10101

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training