Fedora Project

Ansible roles used in security automation(fix Heartbleed bug).

Ansible roles are a group of variables, tasks, files, and defaults(etc.) that are saved in a systematic file configuration. The Heart-bleed bug (CVE-2014-0160) is a severe implementation flaw in the OpenSSL library that enables hackers to steal data from the memory of a server. It could potentially contain TLS session keys, usernames, passwords, credit card details, etc. Yes, this bug has been fixed long ago(2014). Patches were rolled out for OpenSSL when the vulnerability was announced. You need to update your OpenSSL packages and restart the following services nginx, apache2, postgresql, php5-fpm, openvpn, postfix, monit, unbound. At last to check if you have Vulnerable Processes you can

sudo lsof -n | grep ssl | grep DEL | wc -l

If it returns 0 then you are not vulnerable.


Submit the code to Pagure/GitHub. Provide an Asciinema of your terminal while executing your code.

Contact Mentor:

Please do not copy someone else's work from the internet. If you have doubts contact the Fedora Summer Coding group using telegram. If you are not already a member you can join the group https://t.me/fedoraSummerCoding

Task tags

  • cyber-security
  • ansible

Students who completed this task

skr1p7, nasirhm, hack3r_0m, UTx10101, Michael, Suhas, Chenlitw, Sash713, EmperorAj, paraxor, m1m3, Rajvardhan

Task type

  • code Code