Fedora Project

Learn basics of GPG

  • Create a gpg key if you don't already have one
  • Import my gpg.pub from vipul.dev/gpg.txt
  • Encrypt a paragraph on GPG key and RSA algorithm using my public key and put the file in comment section here.

There are thousands of online tutorials, you should be able to do this without any human interaction :)

Doubts? https://t.me/fedoraSummerCoding

Task tags

  • encryption
  • security
  • code
  • gpg

Students who completed this task

DefinitelyNotAshnxious, Jenny Rakete, Rajvardhan, Shadowblade, antekp, ujik, LWJ, justan00b, Ajeet04, Misioskiper, m1m3, YODA, adithyagenie, weakit, Rishav, Siddarth, Shivam, Hokage, guancamole, kanavkoder, cfalas, Eva Prpn, Chenlitw, Sash713, SSAFuze, Greenscreener, Nathan, Arpit Thakur, Michael, UTx10101, Haekal, Coppertint, kdrag0n, Akshit Gupta, strawberryshaker2005, Santhu, nasirhm, pranjal, ns0631, deeps, VishalBala, Mukundan314, Ayush19, CHROMICO, Jerry Liu, yikky, Siddharth Dushantha, Guava, jqiu21, oakpine

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training