Fedora Project

Retrive unencrypted SSH Keys from root

When we need to manage multiple SSH keys we use SSH-agent. It is used to keep the SSH key in memory so that we don't have to type the passphrase in every time. A root user may have the ability to retrieve the decrypted SSH key from memory. Write a shell script that will retrieve the SSH-agent. To check the presence of the file type,

find "/tmp/" -mindepth 1 -print -quit 2>/dev/null

If it is present then send it to another computer using SCP(Secure Copy Protocol).


Upload your shell script to GitHub/Pagure and attach an Asciinema Recording which includes running of the shell script and transferring it to another computer. (Do it on your computer only!)

Contact Mentor:

Please do not copy someone else's work from the internet. If you have doubts contact the Fedora Summer Coding group using telegram. If you are not already a member you can join the group https://t.me/fedoraSummerCoding

Task tags

  • cyber-security

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code