Fedora Project

Run a static website with Apache2

Apache is a popular open source HTTP based server that packs many features, such as IPV6 support, Gzip, SSL and most importantly it is lightweight. Apache is the heart of our server, that uses images, html and other elements to output our website. without being too hard to configure and adjust. In this task you are required to:

  • Install Apache server
  • Create a unique static website. (You can use any available tool, or write the HTML code manually.)
  • Host it using the Apache server. (either locally or globally) Submit the screenshot of apache status (systemctl status apache), your hosted website, and your HTML code. The required documentation is in the external URL.

Please consider to submit a well designed website.

Task tags

  • apache

Students who completed this task

cowsay256, weakit, AI_Ranger, skr1p7, nasirhm, AlexLynd, sp2956, paraxor, Michael, ujik, Metalchesshead, Shivam, BEZLIN JOHNSON, rosyad, Jerry Liu, VishalBala, strawberryshaker2005, cfalas, eBoy

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • web Design