Fedora Project

Weather Forcast Webapp

You are required to make a weather forecasting web app using OpenWeatherMap. You could user manually enter his location . Weather data like current temperature, wind, rainfall, sunrise and sunset time need to be displayed.Enhance the look of your page.Host the web page on github pages.

API details:


Intended Output:

Repository link, hosted website link.

Task tags

  • api
  • html/css
  • js
  • github

Students who completed this task

lukasz-zbrzeski, melunian, codingpheonix, Anindya, Coder, synnek, ayushk, Abtaha, jaagrav, GoshDarnedSpam, Jasjot, Shadowblade, AI_Ranger, juuzou, Emily Ong Hui Qi, paraxor, geek123, Michael, Mateusz, simon7l7, strawberryshaker2005, Fadedace, VH-tech, HooriaIshtiaq, Suhas

Task type

  • code Code