R Project for Statistical Computing

Exploratory analysis of past satRday events

Curate a csv (comma separated value) file that contains records for all past satRday events found here: https://satrdays.org/events/ Each event has a dedicated website with information about the event.

The file will have the following structure: https://github.com/r-community/event-explorer/blob/master/docs/data/satrdays.csv But the status of the events will be "Past" instead of "Upcoming". Leave out any columns for which you cannot find enough data on the satRday event website.


  1. Use R to read the CSV file you created
  2. Obtain summaries (counts) of the events by country, city and continent.
  3. Use leafletR package to generate a GeoJSON file from the CSV file.
  4. Obtain the total number of events and the total number of estimated attendees.

Task tags

  • r statistical computing
  • satrdays
  • exploratory analysis

Students who completed this task

oliverfogelin, Jagannath, ZeroDawn.0D

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training