The ns-3 Network Simulator Project

Enable subset of ns-3 modules

ns-3 is ever growing larger in terms of number of modules, lines of code, and memory footprint. It might not be necessary for a ns-3 user to enable all the modules. There are different ways to enable only a subset of the ns-3 modules.

In this task, the student is expected to use ns-3 configuration file to enable a subset of modules. Please follow the steps given below:

  1. Modify ns-3 configuration file to enable only a subset of modules (e.g., just enable 'wave' or 'csma' module)
  2. Run: ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-tests and send the snapshot of the summary of modules built
  3. Run: ./ and send the snapshot of the summary of tests passed, failed, crashed, etc.

Task tags

  • ns3rc
  • config

Students who completed this task

Kr0n0s, SaiMyGuy, hax0kartik, howie

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training