The ns-3 Network Simulator Project
Add a standard 404 page for ns-3 AppStore
ns-3 AppStore is used to host ns-3 modules that are independently developed and maintained. This task is aimed at developing a standard 404 page for dead links in the ns-3 AppStore. This task would require the student to add a python function for a standard 404 page and design the HTML page for the same.
The student is expected to do the following:
- Clone and set up the repository:
- You can follow the instructions in the Wiki and ReadMe to set up the repository
- Create a method named ‘handler404’ in ‘appstore/’
- Create a 404.html page in the ‘templates’ directory and write the necessary HTML, CSS code.
- For the final submission, upload the diff generated by “git diff” command on the GCI dashboard. Along with this, upload a screenshot of the 404 pages.
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Kr0n0s, SaiMyGuy, hax0kartik, howie