OSGeoLive [1]: Create a bootable USB
Create a video that teaches how to create a bootable USB with OSGeoLive
Make a video that shows how to create the USB
- Follow this instructions to create the bootable USB
- Video must include:
- Titles of what you are doing
- Operating system that is being used
- On linux:
- Open a terminal
- Increase the font size with < ctrl + >
- run the command:
lsb_release -a
- On linux:
- Demonstrate the download of the file to build the ISO
- Indicate precisely which version & file is to be downloaded
- Not all the files are for creating the bootable disk
- Before starting, a picture of the USB that is going to be used
- It should be clear that the USB used is one of your property.
- Insert the USB drive to your computer and take a picture of it.
- Add the picture to the video.
- Creation of the bootable disk
- Indicate approximately how much time it takes
Video description
Add links to:
- OSGeoLive instructions on how to install
- OSGeoLive download page
Other details
- Don't speak on the video
- Your name/files does not show in any part of the video
- Less than 4 minutes
- Edit the video to increase the speed (some processing that takes time).
The video should be made available for use by the OSGeo Foundation under the
Creative Commons AttributionâShareAlike license
- Use assets (e.g., music) that can be published, post the licence of the asset.
- Preferable: link to video on YouTube
- OR mp4 video file (links on the comments)
Task tags
Students who completed this task
bharat1510, TanvirSingh, Navya Garg, Lucifer, anishagnihotri, Dhanus SL, mdu02