Systers, an community

Design a Dark/Night Mode UI for the Mentorship App.


  1. Basic Understanding of color theory and typography.
  2. [Option 1] Install Git and Android Studio, then clone the project and open project in Android Studio.
  3. [Option 2] Install the app directly in your Android Smartphone.
  4. [Option 3] Watch the app walkthrough video on youtube.
  5. Download and install any designing or prototyping tool that you're comfortable with, I suggest using Adobe XD.


  1. Get to know the whole application and analyze the flow, typography, recent color scheme to get started.
  2. Choose appropriate colors and color scheme for the dark mode, the primary color should go with the theme color of the app.
  3. Choose an appropriate text color for the dark mode which is clearly readable on the app.
  4. Design dark mode for every page/screen of the mentorship app.
  5. Export the designs into a PDF/JPG form which also mentions the color hex codes, font face, font styles used for the dark mode.


Work Submission

  • After successfully completing the document, attach your work here as PDF/JPG and submit for the review.

Task tags

  • night-mode
  • design
  • dark-ui
  • mentorship-app

Students who completed this task

Menina, BartekPacia, HardikJH, polabedz

Task type

  • web Design