The Julia Programming Language
Create a two player Hangman game in Julia
Learn more about hangman here).
For this task, you will be creating the Hangman game in Julia.
Feel free to use any external packages to spruce things up that you would like (GTK.jl. etc.).
- Create a Julia program that allows two players to play hangman.
- Upload the code to GitHub as a Gist, Notebook, or Repository and link it here.
- Provide screenshots on GitHub of how the game is played.
- Make sure that the hangman game is visual and shows the hangman figure being drawn as the user guesses incorrectly.
Please ping us on here or Slack if there are issues/questions doing this task.
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Students who completed this task
mikolajhojda, kfung, Soumitra Shewale, jasobar627, ccl, TheComputerM, PseudoCodeNerd, Nand_V