The Terasology Foundation

Make Oreon attributes affect task assignment

Advanced Task - see other MOO related tasks first.

Oreons currently have Strength and Intelligence attributes assigned randomly to them when they are spawned, and they also possess other attributes like Hunger which are incremented when they perform a task. These should affect when tasks are assigned to the Oreons, for instance a hungry Oreon should not be given a task if another Oreon is available or an Intelligent Oreon should be preferred for a Research task.

Your task is to implement the logic for a system which takes into account the attributes of an oreon before assigning tasks to it.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Open a PR in the Master of Oreon repository with the required changes.

Where to start

  • See the TaskManagementSystem and LookForTaskNode for the task search and assignment logic

Task tags

  • Terasology
  • moo
  • master of oreon

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code