The Terasology Foundation

DestSol - Make the game map scrollable

Destination Sol provides a map system for its players, displaying their ship, planets, important enemies, newly waypoints... But the map is always zoomed onto the player, without providing a wider view of the system. The objective of this task is to create a scrollable map to be used in-game, without interfering with the player's actions (make sure the player can look around all he wants while scrolling the map!)

Acceptance criteria

  • A PR is opened to the game's repository, containing a functional implementation of a scrollable map. Choosing whether to control the map by keyboard or mouse is up to the student. Solution working on Android would be greatly appreciated but it is not necessary for the task completion.

Task tags

  • map
  • java
  • destsol

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code