The Terasology Foundation

Behaviors 1: Super Speedy!

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Did you know that in Terasology we can determine how each creature will behave, depending on what is happening around it? With the use of Behavior, we can make a deer get scared and run away every time a player gets near it, for example. We can even make deer mate and have a baby deer!

The objective of this task is to get the student familiarized with the Behaviors module, which is used to provide basic AI functionalities to in-game characters. At the end of this task, the student will have learned the basics behind the behavioral mechanism by designing a behavior structure from scratch.


The student must design and implement a behavior file (.behavior) to modify the movement speed of a creature in the game by three times (i.e., the current speed of the creature is multiplied by three). Make it run faster!

Acceptance Criteria

The student must submit a valid behavior file (.behavior) compliant to the task requirements as a PR to the WildAnimals module. The submission will be tested as follows:

  • The file will be added to the WildAnimals module;
  • The behavior specified in the deer.prefab file will be replaced by the file submitted by the student; and
  • A deer will be spawned in-game to check if the behavior is working properly.

Resources & References (Where to Start)

If you want to have a better understanding of how behaviors work in Terasology, start by cheking the Behavior Wiki. If you want to create your own Behavior file, you can learn it here.

Task tags

  • ai
  • animals
  • json
  • java
  • Terasology

Students who completed this task

nailorcn, PAndaContron, Tiff, HannahG, OSZKI, ujjman, Ruan, M.Kasker, Kanonbell

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design