The Terasology Foundation
Research events for theming Destination Sol
Research events for theming Destination Sol
Lots of games are often running seasonal events, reflecting real-world events or feasts. Some examples of these are for instance Halloween or Christmas. Your task will thus be to research, how could those events be easily brought into Destination Sol. This should ideally be mostly just changing assets present in the engine and core module, however, anything appropriate apart from that is also possible.
Acceptance criteria
- A comment with description of changes needed to support an event is posted to this issue.
- The description contains exact changes required, not just generic
- It may concern an already addressed event, for as long as the proposed changes are original and viable
Rejection criteria
- Submitted work proposes changes overly similar to another student's work, disregarding the intended event
Where to start
- Play the game a bit to see what's there already
- Pick an event to work on, and make sure no one else is working on it yet
- Examples of events to research:
- Halloween
- Christmas
- Easter
- Taco Tuesday
Task tags
Students who completed this task
coolbees, GeneralKenobi735