
Help us transfer between Wikis!

We have just launched our new wiki at At the moment the selection of sites is rather limited, so what we need of you is to transfer the brick documentation from the old wiki to the new one.

The xwiki site uses the same login as your Pocket Code account on

Your task is to transfer at least one category of bricks from the old wiki to the new one. Get familiar with the wiki system, and check for yourself that you are not entering any duplicates. You can choose to transfer a brick for either language (currently english, german, spanish available). You will also need to update the category you transfer! This means that if there are any differences between the bricks you have on your phone and the ones entered in the wiki you will have to correct and add to the page. Please also provide visuals (picture/video/gif) for your documentation

Task tags

  • support
  • documentation
  • wiki system

Students who completed this task

Martina Hanusova, Vaibhav Surendra

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training

