New Featured Project
On Catrobat’s Sharing platform users can upload their projects under an open license to share it with friends, other users, and the whole world. To make it easier to find fun projects, we regularly feature user-created games directly on the main page of with a special banner at the top. Select a good new game that you think should be featured. Write a short explanation why you think this game is of interest for Pocket Code users. As main work, design a header image, that appeals to users and gives a first impression. The submitted file must be a *.png file with the given size of 1024x400 px. Look up the current feature images to get an idea how they look like and where they are placed. Make sure just to use resources that are openly available and may be used for this purpose (please provide detailed information if you use graphics that have not been created by yourself, describe from where you’ve got them and under which license they are).