Drawing Program
Build a drawing program include colors, controls, etc. using Pocket Code. Use the pen bricks, possibly add relaxing background music. You will need simple controls and a clean ui. Check out this excellent example CodeGreen01 created below.
You are not allowed to remix to create your program. It all has to start from nothing for you to turn it into something. We encourage you to be creative and create cool art for your program using, e.g., picsart, picsay, photoshop.
Studying and seeing how other programs work is fine. By all means do some research. : )
Create a screen recording video showing how to use your app and what features it has. Before doing the screen recording, turn on the option in the developer’s option on your phone that allows to see touch positions on the screen. If your app uses some of the sensors of your phone, e.g., the inclination sensors, also add a sequence in your video that shows this from an outside perspective (you will need a second person or a webcam for that part of the recording). At the end of your video, shortly describe any difficulties you came across while programming.