
Jigsaw puzzle game

Make some kind of jigsaw puzzle game in Pocket Code!


  1. Start screen
  2. Instructions on how to play the game
  3. Game scene where the puzzle pieces are scattered over the screen and the user has to put them together.
  4. Make the puzzle pieces snap in, when on the right place, so they can't be changed anymore.
  5. End-scene which tells you when your puzzle is completed, with a button to get back to the start screen.
  6. Make 3(!) different difficulty levels, which should differentiate in number of puzzle pieces.
  7. Implement a timer and give the user a score after finishing, depending on how much time they had left.

All code must be original. All images and resources used should be under CC0 licence. If you couldn’t find required images, feel free to sketch them or make a simple version of them in Pocket Paint!

Task tags

  • pocket code
  • app creation
  • jigsaw puzzle

Students who completed this task

Łukasz Ameljan

Task type

  • code Code