
Interactive Cook Book

Build an interactive cookbook program using Pocket Code. It must contain recipes for at least 3 different meals and detailed (step-by-step) information how to cook them. The plus side is that this program would make an excellent gift for your grandmas' digital cookbook collections. Build a nice clean User Interface, including easy controls. (Must) - provide step by step instructions, Create easy to use controls, navigatation and provide authors’ names of a recipe (if it is from a website or a book).

(Be organised) - create categories, for example dessert, side dishes, main courses etc.

(Optional add favourite secret family recipe. Note: get it a creative commons license that way it can't be stolen by someone else entirely)

Add cool animations, sounds, and images - be creative. We can't wait to taste your food. : )

Task tags

  • visual programming
  • app creation

Students who completed this task

MateuszKomajda, Mapurav, Thea M, Łukasz Ameljan, PMS

Task type

  • code Code