
bears: Add Windows coverage exceptions to reach 100% coverage on AppVeyor

The coala-bears have many bears which are not yet installed into the AppVeyor environment, and therefore the tests for those bears are skipped.

Instead of not requiring 100% test coverage, coverage can be instructed to ignore coverage of specific lines on specific platforms, i.e. Windows.

This is done by appending # pragma nt: no cover to the class declaration line, or to the line for one or more specific methods which are not reached by the tests on Windows.

Your task is to find a bear which doesnt have tests running on Windows at the moment, and add a platform specific no coverage rule to the source code.

The percentage of the code covered by tests will increase, as the relevant lines

Completion of this task requires a merge pull request, with 100% test coverage on Linux and an increased test coverage percentage on Windows.

Task tags

  • unittest
  • coverage

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • done_all Quality Assurance