[beginner] Start building your online reputation as an opensource developer

It's important to be recognized as an active participant and contributor of open source communities, that way you can be more credible when you join new communities or apply for a job in the future.

How to do that? Not hard, you have to create public twitter and github profiles where you share every meaningful work you perform in open source communities like OpenWISP.

Please don't share private personal information as you are still a minor, use only a nickname and fantasy image.

What are you waiting for? Let's start building your online reputation now!


  • create an account on twitter (if you don't have one yet)
  • upload a good avatar
  • upload a good header picture
  • write a short bio explaining your skills and interests
  • follow @openwisp


  • create an account if you don't have one yet
  • upload the same picture you used on twitter
  • use the same or a similar bio to the one you used on twitter
  • if you don't have a personal blog, link your twitter account
  • Go to @openwisp and star at least the main 6 projects that are listed in "Pinned repositories", if you want to star more, that will be helpful for the reason described in our documentation (Help Us to Grow)
  • Before submitting your task, please send us the URLs of your twitter and github accounts in a comment

Task tags

  • reputation
  • twitter
  • github
  • community

Students who completed this task

Manit Aggarwal2, Sumeet kumar, shraddha, vu le tung, Mayank, Jash_Rajani, Loganetraa, Sachin Singh, Vipul Jain, Devansh Dabir, gaurav kumar, adet27, Raphael, Rajat, HizkiFW, anuj gupta, Mihir, SiDzej, @saksham, Madhav Mehndiratta

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research

