GRASS GIS: Install GRASS GIS on your computer, download North Carolina dataset and display a map

You need to install GRASS GIS 7.4 stable version on your computer. There are versions for all common operating systems (if you use Windows remember to check if your computer is 32 or 64-bit by clicking on System>About). Additionally, you will download the North Carolina dataset by some simple simple steps: 1) Create a folder named grassdata in your prefered computer directory, 2) open GRASS GIS and click Browse to select the grassdata folder just created as your database, 3) click on the Download box (next to the "Location" set of options), select "Complete NC location" and hit Download, 4) After dowload, create a mapset and name it "userGCI". Now you are ready to start your session by clicking on "Start GRASS session"!.

To complete the task make a screenshot of the GRASS GIS windows, showing one map. use the d.vect or d.rast commands to select and display one of the maps from the list. Ensure that the screenshot shows the text "userGCI" on the top part of the Map Display window and your GCI username in the terminal command prompt.

Task tags

  • grassgis
  • GUI

Students who completed this task

Bryan, Mojzauke, NithikB123, Eric1234, abijith, Nicu

Task type

  • web Design

