
Structure Templates (I) : Create a building template using StructureTemplates

Terasology's StructureTemplates module implements structure templates that can be used to spawn the same building over and over again, either using an item or programmatically. Your task is to create a few building templates of your own using StructureTemplates.

Definition of 'Done'

Where to start

  • Use the command give structureTemplateGenerator to get an item that can be used to create structure templates in-game!
  • A guide to creating modules can be found here. GooeysQuests is an example of a module that uses structure templates to spawn dungeons (the templates' code is located at assets/prefabs/structures in the module's repo)
  • The forum threads for GooeysQuests and StructuralTemplates help introduce the system further

See also

Task tags

  • building
  • terasology
  • structure
  • nature

Students who completed this task

RatMoleRat, Phoenix909, nateschnitzer, MK, DAI, putawan-de, Graviton, Xun Xu, Torpedo, Tech45

Task type

  • code Code