
Fix up module readme

The readme provides an introduction to a module. Some of the module readme's haven't been updated in a while. A good readme should provide a strong introduction to someone working or using the module.

A readme is the first thing people see when looking at the module on Github. As such it should provide a quick overview of what the module is. It should list some of the features of the module and point to where more information can be found (If there is any). It's a file named in the top folder of the repository (next to the module.txt file)

Start off by having a look at the readme's in the Terasology repos as well a the Destination Sol modules

Definition of Done

  • A pull request to the an existing module with a readme that could work with a tweak or an update. This should be at least a few sentences or better yet several sections, but naturally some modules have more to talk about than others
    • Try and include at least one image in the readme.

Where to start

Task tags

  • readme
  • terasology
  • markdown
  • module

Students who completed this task

nateschnitzer, DAI

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • done_all Quality Assurance