Create a SQL-Themed Sticker/Button Design
Create a design for a PostgreSQL sticker or button that could be handed out at meetups, like these stickers and buttons:
The design should:
- Be in the shape of a circle (suitable for pin/sticker)
- Use at most 4 colors (we love colors from website)
- Use fonts and images that are public domain only, not requiring attribution (cite sources)
- Use large font sizes that will be readable on a 3-4 cm button
- Incorporate the PostgreSQL logo from
- Use one of the phrases below, or another catchy phrase you think of
- Include a licensing phrase with your submission (use a separate text file)
Sample phrases (pay attention to spacing and capitalization since these are puns on industry trends and movies):
- Databases: It's All Relative
- Fully Committed
- Relational Rocks
- There's noSQL like SQL
- I Find Your Lack Of SQL Disturbing (Database Vader)
- SQL you must have, my young padawan (YoDB)
- Joins? You Can't Handle The Joins.
- noSQL on ACID
You should submit sources in a vector format if possible, and a high or medium-resolution raster (e.g. PNG) of your image.
Licensing phrase for public domain: "To the extent possible under law, has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to my work. This work is published from: ."
We will accept CC-BY licensing, though it's not preferred for buttons/stickers due to their small size.
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Students who completed this task
lightspeedana, Tux, doruuuuuuuuu, Tanvir13559, Kunal2004, konark, Abhi Kulshrestha, Nathan1337