Labyrinth: Create a hand-drawn landscape

The FOSSASIA Labyrinth allows you to contribute parts to a huge labyrinth. Please add a new landscape which is hand-drawn.


  • Download and install Inkscape
  • Create tiles with the same dimensions as those which are there. Ways of his tile must end at the middle of the edges. These tiles must be hand-drawn. A work-flow could be:
    1. draw one tile on a sheet of paper
    2. scan it or photograph it
    3. make the unnecessary pixels/sections transparent - you can do that by using a PNG file or by clipping in Inkscape.
  • Add the tiles to the labyrinth, so they are reachable. Please create a small portion of the labyrinth with them to make it more exciting. You may get inspiration from other parts of the labyrinth.
  • Create a pull-request and have it merged and reviewed.

Expected outcome:

  • The hand-drawn tiles are added to the tiles folder
  • An implementation of their behavior (how they can be entered and left, ...) is added to the tiles file.
  • A small landscape with the tiles is part of the larger labyrinth and reachable.


  • If someone wants to work with you, let them do that. You can use techniques like pair programming or collaborate together on branches of your forks. You can attribute a pull-request also to other people who helped you out or submit a pull-request where you and an other person contributed together.
  • You can join our chat on gitter if you get stuck to get help or just hang out and have a nice time with others.

Task tags

  • labyrinth
  • html
  • css
  • js

Students who completed this task

ariban900, AppleCat, Akshit Goyal, arcsaber, Supun_TE, AirWolfXD, Rahul Arora, Sahil S

Task type

  • code Code
  • assessment Outreach / Research