Create a promotional OpenMRS GSOC video

Create a four minutes or more GSOC Promotional video for OpenMRS. The video should contain,

  1. What is GSOC ?
  2. What is OpenMRS ?
  3. Our history with the GSOC Program
  4. A few of the star projects that we've worked on
  5. Eligibility criteria
  6. How to be a successful candidate (refer to [])

Upload the video to youtube, and share the link as a comment on this ticket

Task tags

  • gsoc
  • you tube
  • video

Students who completed this task

Reruns, Meem Chowdhury, Devansh9, Axel Blaze, Snigdho, Aryu, Mudit Arora, Prathamesh Mutkure, Ashoo

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research