
Build a Drupal Distribution for blogging

Distributions are a collection of pre-configured themes and modules for feature-rich web sites giving you a head start on building your site. Having a distribution focused on blogs will help bloggers with a quick-start and may save them from the hassle of installing modules and themes required for the purpose.The student is required to research the basic functionalities required in a blog by looking at some established blogging frameworks such as Wordpress, Octopress, Blogger etc. and try to implement the same functionalities, by adding the required modules and themes to the distribution.

Deliverables: Link to distribution repo. The task also requires the student to use that distribution for his personal blog and write a post about his GCI experience.

Resources: https://www.drupal.org/project/project_distribution => Drupal Distribution Page https://www.drupal.org/documentation/build/distributions => Distribution Documentation https://www.drupal.org/developing/distributions/ => Guide for developing Distributions

Task tags

  • blogging
  • site building

Students who completed this task

MrigankPawagi, Vansh983

Task type

  • code Code