
Document 5 ideas to help Drupal promote GSoC/GCI

Google does an awesome job of promoting both GSoC/GCI, but how can Drupal promote within our community? It can be difficult to find dedicated mentors and ideas for tasks/projects. Task goal is to create a list of at least 5 ideas to help market the program within our own community.

Deliverables: Link to document/blogpost with your ideas

Task tags

  • gsoc
  • idea

Students who completed this task

Yashika2005, aniketdvd, Razvan, Vansh983, Akshaya Yarra, akki2401, Trang Nguyen, Mudit Arora, BaghaC, Amisha, k.klawikowski, MohitPatni, Deep Rushil, ragasirtahk, Cata2002

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research