[Crowd Alert-Mobile] Input validation
The Crowd alert app contatins lots of text fields like input fields for Name/Email/Password, Incident title, Incident description, User phone no., etc. Try to perform validation on the fields. Validation can vary according to the input type For Name - Make sure that it contains atleast 3 alphabets and there are no special characters For Ph-no - Make sure that it contains atleast 10 digits and all the charcters are numeric. For incident details - Make sure that it does not exceed 1000 characters. For password - Make sure that it contains atleast 8 characters.
Steps to perform this task:
1) Fork the repository https://gitlab.com/aossie/CrowdAlert-Mobile.
2) Make changes to these files. https://gitlab.com/aossie/CrowdAlert-Mobile/blob/master/src/components/addIncident.js (Add incident File) https://gitlab.com/aossie/CrowdAlert-Mobile/blob/master/src/components/incident/editIncident.js (Edit incident File). https://gitlab.com/aossie/CrowdAlert-Mobile/blob/master/src/components/profile/editProfile.js (Edit Profile File). https://gitlab.com/aossie/CrowdAlert-Mobile/blob/master/src/components/login/signup.js (Signup File).
Just look for the text fields in the file and apply the input validation function.
3) Push in your forked repository to gitlab.
4) Open a merge request.
You can refer to these docs on how to use git: