Run the snapcraft manual tests
Snapcraft is a delightful packaging tool. With it you can make free software projects easy to install and update in many Linux distributions. More info: https://snapcraft.io/
The snapcraft team maintains a small list of tests that are hard, time consuming or impossible to automate. These tests need to be run manually every now and then. The task consists on running these manual tests.
For this task, you need to have Ubuntu installed: https://bit.ly/ugciubuntu For this task, you need to know:
- command line: https://bit.ly/ugcicli (just the free sections)
- snapcraft: https://bit.ly/ugcisnapcraft
- Join the #ubuntu-google IRC chatroom: https://bit.ly/ugcichat
- Say hi to elopio, kyrofa and sergiusens.
- Run the tests documented in https://bit.ly/ugcismanual
- Report about your results on IRC.
Note that there are some tests that require specific hardware. If you don't have the required hardware, just skip the test.
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Students who completed this task
Dmitriy Rekhlitskyi