
Make a video or guide to a module

Make a video or guide to a module

Terasology has a ton of modules but some lack any information on how to actually use them. Your task is to fix that. Make a video or written guide to the module. It should outline what the module does and how to use it. Basically a players manual for the module.

Definition of 'Done'

  • A link to a video hosted somewhere that showcases the features of the module. OR
  • A written guide added to the wiki of a module that provides detail on the module. The guide should also include some screenshots.

Where to start

See also

Task tags

  • video
  • features
  • module
  • showcase

Students who completed this task

Rajat Patel, Awad Irfan, Chaitanya, Aleksander Wójtowicz, Suraj Datta, Thomas O'Keeffe

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research