Showing 101 - 110 of 110 unique tasks
JBoss Community
Make a video about your open source journey.
JBoss Community
Integrate angular patternfly navigation in certifier
JBoss Community
Create a Splash Screen for first load of app in in lead-management-android
JBoss Community
Document facebook-echo-bot project deployment.
JBoss Community
Design a t-shirt for JBoss Community
JBoss Community
Shift facebook echo-bot from netty to wildfly-swarm
JBoss Community
Integrate contact search in lead-management-android
JBoss Community
Attend online/offline JBoss developer event near you. Write a blog and tweet.
JBoss Community
Translate a project to any one major language.
JBoss Community
Design a logo for jboss-outreach Community and provide it in various formats.
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