MetaBrainz Foundation

Review the tag mappings on Picard's website

On MusicBrainz Picard’s website, the two pages "Picard Tags" and "Picard Tag Mappings" both list tags Picard knows about and makes available, but neither list is complete. The first one is lacking at least originalyear and both are missing _albumartists and the tag mapping is also missing artists.

You can find a complete list of tag-to-name mappings on the Picard GitHub repository and information on tags supported by individual formats in their respective files at picard.formats on the Picard GitHub repository

In order to complete this task, verify the current list of tags on Picard's website against the above 2 files, add any missing information, and remove deprecated tags.

Task tags

  • mutagen
  • picard
  • documentation
  • jinja

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training