Replace BookBrainz jade template
At the start of the project, we used Jade to build our UI. As the project moved along, we learned of React, which was better for us for a number of reasons. We moved almost all of our content to React components.
Now, the current web page rendering approach is as follows:
- Render React component to HTML on the server
- Inject the React-generated HTML, React props and client JavaScript filename into a single Jade template
- Render the Jade template to HTML
Using Jade like this adds an extra step before the HTML can be sent to the browser, which increases the page load time for the user. So, in this task, we want to you eliminate Jade templates from BookBrainz. We recommend that you write a JavaScript function returning an HTML string, like the one shown here. For testing purposes, please only replace the index route with your template function. We'll start adding the function to other routes once it is validated sufficiently.
As this task is quite challenging, please make sure you understand the current rendering approach and that your work does not change the behaviour of the site.
To submit your work, clone your fork of the bookbrainz-site repository and create a new branch named "remove-jade-YOUR_GCI_USERNAME". Commit your changes, using small commits which make clear, self-contained changes, and using the conventions here. Finally, push your work to GitHub and create a new Pull Request.