MetaBrainz Foundation

Fix all references to old repositories in BrainzBot's code and documentation

BrainzBot is the bot that logs our IRC channels and also handles some other things like linking to JIRA tickets whenever they are mentioned and helping us tell people we appreciate their work.

It was originally forked from BotBotMe but seeing as that project seems to be dying and we've already made a lot of large changes to it, we're working on making it less of a fork and more our own project.

Our repositories are brainzbot-core, brainzbot-bot and brainzbot-plugins. They have just been renamed so some references might be broken. Your job is to first find all references to either the BotBotMe repositories (e.g., botbotme/botbot-bot) or our old repository names (e.g., metabrainz/botbot-plugins) and fix them to be the new ones. Next update the documentation contained in brainzbot-core and change all instances of "BotBot" to "BrainzBot" and also update all old references.

In order to do this you will have to fork brainzbot-core, follow the set up instructions (I recommend using docker to get redis and postgresql)—don't use pip to install brainzbot-core, instead clone it and run pip install -e . in the repository and with the virtualenv active. You will have to update the requirements.txt with the new repositories before you run make. Use the #brainzbot channel on Freenode to test your setup.

Once you've done this, update the dependencies and documentation and finally submit a pull request to brainzbot-core.

Should you have any questions, ping Leo_Verto in #metabrainz.

Task tags

  • brainzbot
  • python
  • irc
  • go
  • github

Students who completed this task

Annebelle Olminkhof

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • done_all Quality Assurance