MetaBrainz Foundation

Research and compare various Markdown standards


Throughout MetaBrainz's various projects and sites we use a number of different markup languages/syntaxes—from MediaWiki ("Wiki") markup on the wiki, to wiki-like markup in edit notes, annotations, etc. on MusicBrainz, some Jira specific markup syntax for our ticket tracker, to one flavour of Markdown on CritiqueBrainz, one flavour on our community forums, and a third flavour being used by GitHub (where all our code is hosted).

The objective of this task is to research the various Markdown syntaxes/standards and compare their features as well as their spread/use with the goal of finding a syntax to adopt throughout MetaBrainz's projects.


The report should cover at least "CommonMark", "GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM)", and "Markdown Extra", and one additional implementation/standard—but preferably more.
The report should include which features the chosen variants have in common and in which ways they are different (also note any differences to the original Markdown specification). It should also mention which prominent projects and/or sites use the given Markdown specifications (e.g., "GitHub Flavored Markdown is used throughout GitHub but not used much outside of GitHub.").

You should finish off the report with a Conclusion that has a recommendation for which Markdown implementation you think we should adopt along with your reasoning for why you think that that would be the best


Save the report to a PDF file and upload it to the ticket below.

Task tags

  • metabrainz
  • markdown
  • no code
  • standards

Students who completed this task

Daniel, Eshan Singh, Enjeck Cleopatra

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research